Synovia Moss, MPA

Synovia Moss is the CEO/Managing partner of Moss Consulting & Management Group, Inc. which specializes in designing and leading large-scale community engagement initiatives to address social determinants of health with communities of color. She brings over two decades of expertise in marketing, strategic planning, program management, relationship building, and grass roots advocacy for organizations of all sizes and sectors. Currently, she is the Project Manager for Good Health Women’s Immunization Networks (Good Health WINs) for the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. with a reach to over 4,500,000 in the African American community. Good Health WINs partners with NCNW’s 32 National Affiliate organizations and the Black Greek Letter organizations to increase vaccination coverage across different racial and ethnic adult populations currently experiencing disparities. Most recently, Synovia served as a global Strategic Advisor for the Brain Matters Early Learning Global Network launched in 27 countries across four continents. Her love of neuroscience, community engagement and program management led her to become the first Program Director for the Child Advancement Network (CAN) and Vroom Wisconsin Initiative at the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Synovia has an adept skill to translate science into relatable programs, policy and effective messaging leading to collective impact.

Guided by the tenants of faith, family and community, Synovia continues to advocate for women and children’s issues and health equity at the local, statewide and national levels. She is a member of the City of Milwaukee Mayor’s Task Force on Early Care; board of director for Pastors United; Chair of Health Equity for the Wisconsin Immunization Neighborhood’s statewide coalition of immunization advocates, and is a member of the Milwaukee County Emergency Response Team for COVID19.

Synovia is an influencer and leads by example. She is currently the president and charter member of the NCNW Milwaukee Section and co-chair of the NCNW National Health Equity Covid 19 Sub-Committee. She received a BA in Political Science from the University of California, Riverside, and an MA in Public Administration from California State University at Dominquez Hills with honors.