AVAC has developed a variety of resources for policymakers, health care providers, and our immunization partners. Explore all of the resources below or use our filters to narrow your search by type of resource and by type of policy.

January 28, 2025
AVAC Comments on Contract Year 2026 Proposed Medicare & Medicaid Rule
On January 27, 2025, AVAC submitted comments on the proposed rule, “Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Contract Year 2026 Policy and Technical Changes to the Medicare Advantage Program, Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program, Medicare Cost Plan Program, and Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly.” Specifically: Support codifying that any ACIP-recommended adult vaccine is exempted from […]
Letters to Administration Eliminating DisparitiesMay 14, 2024Improving Vaccination Rates Through Strengthening and Sustaining Immunization Infrastructure
A strong immunization infrastructure promotes disease prevention and mitigates the potential widespread consequences of a devastating disease outbreak. Download the factsheet.
Fact Sheets Vaccine InfrastructureMay 6, 2024Provider Support is Key to Adult Vaccine Access
To increase vaccine access and utilization, we must strengthen the policy and payment environment for vaccines, including supporting providers through educational resources and addressing the unique challenges that come with stocking, carrying and administering vaccines in various health care settings. Download the factsheet.
Fact Sheets Supporting ProvidersApril 30, 2024AVAC Letter of Support for Appropriations Funding for FY2025
AVAC submitted a letter to Chairwoman Baldwin, Chairman Aderholt, and Ranking Members Capito and DeLauro asking for increased funding of immunization-related activities as part of the fiscal year (FY) 2025 Appropriations bill, including: $1.6 billion for the National Immunization Program; $241 million for Influenza Planning and Response at CDC’s NCIRD; and $150 million for CDC’s […]
Letters to Congress Appropriations/Funding for ImmunizationApril 26, 2024Infographic on Health Care Savings for Older Adults
In 2021, 3.4 million older adults paid $234 million in out-of-pocket costs for vaccines. Thanks to Congressional action, Medicare Part D enrollees can now get those vaccines for free. Download the infographic.
Infographics Reducing Financial BarriersApril 3, 2024Access to Vaccines is Key to Healthy Aging
Staying up to date on all vaccinations is important to reduce the risk of infectious diseases. As we age, vaccines protect us and preserve our health, especially if we have chronic conditions like heart or lung disease and diabetes. Download the factsheet.
Fact Sheets Benefits of ImmunizationApril 1, 2024Examining Provider-Focused Vaccine Policy Reforms
Immunization is an important component of public health and preventive care; however, for adults, uptake of Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)-recommended vaccines is below national targets. This white paper from Avalere, funded by AVAC, details providers’ efforts to stock, administer, and receive payment for vaccines, and highlights considerations for patient access and potential future […]
Reports Supporting ProvidersFebruary 12, 2024Removing Out-of-Pocket Costs for Adult Vaccines in Arkansas
Arkansas serves as an example of the potential cost savings states could realize through effective implementation and promotion of the new requirements. Arkansas has provided adults with comprehensive vaccine coverage since it authorized Medicaid expansion in 2014. As a result, the state eliminated coverage and cost barriers to adult vaccination, including the Shingles, Tdap, Hep […]
Fact Sheets Reducing Financial BarriersFebruary 12, 2024Removing Out-of-Pocket Costs for Adult Vaccines in Florida
Previously, Florida Medicaid did not cover the Shingles, Tdap, Hepatitis B, or Pneumococcal vaccines for eligible adults. By improving vaccination coverage, the state of Florida has the opportunity to realize millions of dollars in cost savings resulting from increased vaccination uptake and reduced incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases and associated treatment costs. Download the factsheet here.
Fact Sheets Reducing Financial BarriersFebruary 12, 2024Removing Out-of-Pocket Costs for Adult Vaccines in South Carolina
Previously, South Carolina Medicaid did not cover the Shingles vaccine for eligible adults, nor did it cover the Pneumococcal, Tdap, or Hepatitis B vaccines without cost sharing. By improving vaccination coverage, the state of South Carolina has the opportunity to realize millions of dollars in cost savings resulting from reduced vaccination uptake and lowered incidence […]
Fact Sheets Reducing Financial Barriers