Policy Overview
AVAC is committed to meeting the goals of our members and advancing policies that increase access to and utilization of vaccines in the adult population.

Adults seeking access to and coverage for vaccines encounter a confusing health care system that presents multiple barriers, including lack of information about recommended vaccines, financial hurdles, as well as technological and logistical obstacles. AVAC is working towards legislative and regulatory solutions.
AVAC’s priorities include increasing federal funding for immunization programs, advocating for the maintenance and adoption of immunization quality measures to encourage immunization, alleviating financial barriers in Medicare and Medicaid, reducing provider barriers to offering immunizations, and strengthening immunization information systems. But most importantly, within all of these actions, AVAC is committed to reducing rural, socio-economic, and racial disparities and to increasing access to immunization among at-risk populations, persons with chronic illness, and maternal populations.
AVAC has become a leading expert on adult vaccines for policymakers in Washington D.C., since its establishment in 2015. High-level officials in Congress and the Administration rely on AVAC’s trusted voice when creating and considering policies related to adult immunizations. Working collaboratively with many adult immunization partners, AVAC is making a big difference.
L.J Tan
Immunization Action Coalition
Improving vaccine infrastructure
AVAC is committed to strengthening immunization infrastructure, including immunization information systems (IIS), so our nation is prepared to respond to emerging vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks; conduct outreach; educate providers and the public; and offer vaccine services to the community. Health care providers use IIS to record patient immunizations; track missed immunizations; and ensure a full course is completed.
Creating equity in vaccine access
AVAC aims to improve adult immunization rates across the country, with a particular focus on reducing geographic, socio-economic, and racial disparities in immunization rates and increasing access to immunization among at-risk populations, persons with chronic illness, and maternal populations.
Eliminating financial barriers
Eliminating Financial Barriers. AVAC is committed to policy changes to provide Americans with all recommended vaccines at no cost.
Promoting high immunization rates
AVAC is committed to helping providers navigate barriers and increase immunization rates.