• Improving Vaccination Rates Through Strengthening and Sustaining Immunization Infrastructure

    A strong immunization infrastructure promotes disease prevention and mitigates the potential widespread consequences of a devastating disease outbreak. Download the factsheet.

    Fact Sheets Vaccine Infrastructure
  • AVAC Welcomes 118th Congress and Celebrates Vaccine Access Champions in Congress

    Washington, D.C. (March 29, 2023) — The Adult Vaccine Access Coalition (AVAC) applauds the Congressional leaders who have championed vaccine access for millions of American adults nationwide. Eight awardees were recognized at AVAC’s 118th Congress Welcome Reception held in Rayburn House Office Building for their ongoing support of common-sense policies that will raise adult immunization rates, […]

    Press Releases Vaccine Infrastructure
  • GSK and IQVIA Launch “Vaccine Track”

    Eliminating Disparities
  • AVAC Memo RE: CMS-1770-P Medicare Program: CY 2023 Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Changes to Part B Payment Policies; Medicare Shared Savings Program Requirements etc.

    FROM: The Adult Vaccine Access Coalition (AVAC) TO: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Attention: CMS-1770-P DATE: September 6, 2022 RE: CMS-1770-P Medicare Program: CY 2023 Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Changes to Part B Payment Policies; Medicare Shared Savings Program Requirements etc.  The Adult Vaccine Access Coalition (AVAC) appreciates the […]

    Letters to Administration Supporting Providers
  • AVAC Comments on Healthy People 2030

    January 10, 2022  Carter Blakey Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite 420, Rockville, MD 20852  Dear Director Blakey,  Members of the Adult Vaccine Access Coalition (AVAC) and stakeholder partners, we appreciate the opportunity to offer comments on Healthy People 2030 and make recommendations […]

    Letters to Administration Benefits of Immunization
  • AVAC Statement in Support of H.R. 550, the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act

    The Adult Vaccine Access Coalition (AVAC) commends the House Committee on Energy and Commerce for reporting out H.R. 550 the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act today.  We thank Representatives Kuster and Bucshon for their leadership in spearheading this important legislation and the work of all the members of the Committee to advance the bill to the full House of […]

    Press Releases Vaccine Infrastructure
  • AVAC Provides Feedback for the Development of 21st Century CURES 2.0

    To Representatives DeGette and Upton: The Adult Vaccine Access Coalition (AVAC) appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback that will help shape and inform the development of 21st Century Cures 2.0. We greatly appreciate your years of leadership in federal policymaking aimed at accelerating innovations in clinical research and trials as well as improving processes that […]

    Letters to Congress Eliminating Disparities
  • AVAC Makes Recommendations to the Biden Administration on Immunization Infrastructure Systems (IIS)

    Dear President Biden,  The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a devastating toll on our society. With more than 400,000 American lives lost, millions of people forced to file for unemployment, and too many children falling behind in school during online instruction. As the national strategy for the efficient, effective, and equitable distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines […]

    Letters to Administration COVID-19 Response
  • AVAC Releases Statement of Support for the Protecting Seniors Through Immunization Act

    Statement in Support of the Protecting Seniors Through Immunization Act of 2021 The following is a statement regarding the introduction of the Protecting Seniors Through Immunization Act of 2021 [link] from Patricia D’Antonio, co-chair of Adult Vaccine Access Coalition (AVAC) and the vice president of professional affairs for The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and […]

    Press Releases Appropriations/Funding for Immunization
  • AVAC Supports the Introduction of the Protecting Seniors Through Immunization Act to Congress

    Dear Representatives Kuster and Bucshon, As members of the Adult Vaccine Access Coalition (AVAC), we commend you for introducing the Protecting Seniors Through Immunization Act of 2021. AVAC consists of more than sixty organizational leaders in health and public health who are committed to raising awareness of the importance of adult immunization with the ultimate […]

    Letters to Congress Appropriations/Funding for Immunization
  • AVAC Urges House to Support Full Funding of Immunization-Related Activities at the Department of Health and Human Services.

    March 10, 2021  Dear Chairwoman DeLauro and Ranking Member Cole,  As members of the Adult Vaccine Access Coalition (AVAC), we write to ask for full funding of immunization-related activities at the Department of Health and Human Services as part of the fiscal year (FY) 2022 Labor, Health and Human Services (LHHS), and Education Appropriations bill.  […]

    Letters to Congress Appropriations/Funding for Immunization
  • AVAC Leads Stakeholders in Support Letter for IIS Modernization

     February 8, 2021  Dear Leaders Schumer, McConnell, Pelosi and McCarthy,  As the Congress and our nation continue to respond to the public health emergency that is overtaking our nation, members of AVAC join with partners and allies to ask that the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act (H.R. 550) be considered as part of any next Covid-19 […]

    Letters to Congress COVID-19 Response