Briefing Details:
Over the course of the pandemic, there has been a significant drop in routine vaccination rates across all ages. With adult vaccinations already far below federal goals pre-pandemic, coupled with the estimated 26 million doses missed for adults and adolescents in 2020, the Adult Vaccine Access Coalition held a virtual briefing around strategies to catch up on routine immunizations missed during the pandemic and to support greater vaccine access.
Welcome Remarks
Reps. Ami Bera (CA-07) and Larry Bucshon (IN-08)
LJ Tan, MS, Ph.D., Immunization Action Coalition
Christine Liow, MPH, Avalere Health
Synovia Moss, MPA, NCNW Good Health Wins
Jeffery Goad, Pharm.D., MPH, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
What Congress Can Do
Support funding for efforts around vaccine confidence and routine immunization outreach and education.
- Protecting Seniors Through Immunizations (HR1978/S912)
Sponsors: Reps. Kuster/Bucshon; Sens. Hirono/Capito/Whitehouse/Scott
Eliminates cost sharing for recommended adult vaccines under traditional Medicaid and Medicare Part D - Helping Adults Protect Immunity Act (S581/HR2170)
Sponsors: Sen. Brown and Rep. Soto
Eliminates beneficiary cost sharing for recommended adult vaccines under traditional Medicaid and provides enhanced FMAP - Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act (HR550)
Sponsors: Reps. Kuster/Bucschon
Authorizes IIS modernization activities - Community Immunity During Covid-19 Act (HR736/S167)
Sponsors: Rep. Underwood and Sen. Smith
Provides funding to support local initiatives to boost vaccination rates during the COVID-19 pandemic
Additional Resources
- National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit: Call to Action to Protect All Adults from Vaccine-Preventable Disease and Disability
- National Foundation for Infectious Diseases “Keep Up The Rates”
- Avalere Insights Analysis:
- Good Health Wins Partnership
- UNITY Don’t Wait. Vaccinate Partner Toolkit
- Maintaining Your Health Isn’t Much Different Than Maintaining Your Car
- Driving Vaccine Access Webinar
- “Fully Vaccinated?” Shareable Graphics